Bee and I have had an amazing long distance relationship for over 2 years. While we hope it won’t be long distance for long we have cherished what we have had.

It has been difficult at times but we have developed ways to make it work and stay close together despite being an ocean apart. So without further ado here is my Top 10 ways to make a long distance relationship work:
1.Have the right mate♥♡:
A long distance relationship is not for everyone. Some people simply cannot do it there is nothing wrong with that given its difficulty.
If considering one is it important to look at yourself and question if you will be able to do it. Luckily for me, Bee is someone who can handle a long distance relationship.

2.Have a Plan♥♡:
The plan can be big or small, it just needs to the two can look forward too. For Bee and me, it helped us to have something to look forward too.
For example, not a day goes by that we do not know when we will see each other next. So have a plan when to meet next, when to skype next and maybe if it is serious enough, when will you be able to move in together.

Skype/Facetime is your most important tool to make a long distance relationship work. I believe it is important to skype at least once a week and more if possible. 
If that feels too much or tough to fit in your schedule consider short skype chats like 15-30 minutes. It will be important to see your boyfriend/girlfriend and make them feel closer to you.

It is important to text your loved one daily to keep them informed about your life. You don’t need to discuss deep topics, even simple questions of “what you are eating” or “how is the weather” will suffice. It will help you feel close with your partner and good to keep each other in mind.

5. Pictures♥♡!
Bee will be quick to point out that I do not send enough pictures haha. I admit I don’t do enough and I should send more. Send pictures of meals, your home or anything interesting you come across in your life. This will give your partner a great visual of your life. Also don’t forget one of the most important pictures to send, Selfies! Those are the best.

6.Gift boxes♥♡:
One of my personal favorites to give, is a gift box to Bee. It can be especially good if it a surprise. I like to include things unique to your country or city, pictures, something handmade, candy and letters. These re a great way to surprise your significant other and give them something special.

Probable one of the most important ones on this list, honesty is critically important to make a long distance relationship work.  It is important to be honest for everything. Having true honesty will give your partner peace of mind and allow both of you to be more comfortable with the long distance relationship. 
Honesty means being able to ask any question, say anything and share anything. Having this is probable the single most important thing to make the relationship work.

I am very lucky to have Bee who is very understanding. Unfortunately with my job often I am not able to text her as much as I should or sometimes I get busy and won’t be able to skype as much as I like but she always understands. This is really important to me for her to understand that sometimes I am busy and can’t be as committed. I always try to make it up to her as she is so important to me!

9. Enjoy the little time you have♥♡:
I would tend to imagine all long distance couples, with a few exceptions, get to see their loved ones at least a few times a year, so make the most of it! The two of you don’t have much time together so enjoy it and savor it, as it won’t be long before you’re longing for each other again.

10. Keep it simple♥♡:

Don’t worry or get overwhelmed over the distance between you two. If it is worth it and you love each other enough it will be worth the wait and the relationship will work out. Enjoy the journey and if it wasn’t mean to be, it wasn’t meant to be. Having said that if the both of you put the time and effort in to make it work, it will. 

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Day 1:Malls>Sky Bus> Believe it or not Museum>Walk of Flame>Chinese Theatre>@Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills 
Day 2:Universal Studio>@Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills 
Day 3:6 hrs driving to Las Vegas>@Belligiao
Day 4:Buffet@Belligiao>Cassers>The Beatles Love>@Belligiao
Day 5:M&M Store>Coca-Cola Store>Zumity>@Belligiao
Day 6:參觀所有賭場>Zoo>@Belligiao

Day 7:Left

來到洛杉磯HOLLYWOOD,你唔係唔去Universal Studio呀麻?! 除了香港的海洋公園和迪迪尼,我沒有去過其他地方的主題園,相對香港的主題公園,洛杉磯的環球影城真的令我大大大大開眼界呀!環球影城地方大到呀媽都唔認得不再話下,裡面的機動遊戲、電影場地參觀都看得出它的利害!!!

Hollywood Universal Studio
  • 交通:我們是從酒店搭的士去的
  • 入場費:基本$95usd;Free Pass$189usd (這個可以在每個景點有一次不用排隊的機會。上午沒有很多人的時候不太有用,但到下午超多人的呢~可是真的貴很多:( 
    這個是live show - ♥♡Water world♥♡ 的場景,特技人員、火藥、水上電單車、驚險場面、搞笑場面應有盡有,一次難忘呀,推介指數五粒星裡面有十粒!!
♥♡budget許可的話可以買VIPPASS,因為看這些live show時就以坐指定的reserved seat,而所有機動遊戲都可以享有一次免排隊優先啊!對於時間不多的旅客來說是挺不錯的~
原來YOUTUBE都有片呢,除了這個live show 還有一個有貓狗、兔鳥、什至雞鴨的動物表演,實在是太cutecute了!


最後一個必去點就是♥♡Studio Tour♥♡喇,坐上遊覽車,它會帶著我們參觀不同的真實電影場口,介紹不同電影裡面的特效,好像是大暴雨、狂風雷暴、殺人LUM樓,咩都有AR!!!
再LUM過 多謝

喜歡我的分享的話,請到九十後•蜂旅日記The Bee Diary FB給我一個LIKE吧!謝謝!BEE

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記得當天我第一次自己搭飛機,坐了14小時到洛杉磯,一下飛機就走到加拿大的Terminal坐在一邊,等待LUK的飛機到達,這個Terminal根本"人影都冇一隻",一直在擔心有沒有去錯地方。突然,有個黑人青年出現坐我隔離,看他神情古古怪怪,精神恍然,心感不妙,心想LUK你快點出現 :(。之後那男子更在吮他的拇指,看似剛吃完毒品的樣子,超害怕超不妙,也擔心我一站起來他會有什麼行動。
當顯示屏顯示AIR CANADA -ARRIVED,我的心臟就跳到快要跌出來,對,快看到了,救星來了!一轉眼就看到一群人的背影,入面穿著Sports jacket最年輕的就是LUK了!
LUK!LUK!LUK聽到我的呼叫就看到我了,給我一個Big Hug(Long time no see!!)

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2013年聖誕節是我同LUK分開異地後的第一次相見的日子。記得當天我第一次自己搭飛機,坐了14小時到洛杉磯,一下飛機就走到加拿大的Terminal坐在一邊,等待LUK的飛機到達,這個Terminal根本"人影都冇一隻",一直在擔心有沒有去錯地方。突然,有個黑人青年出現坐我隔離,看他神情古古怪怪,精神恍然,心感不妙,心想LUK你快點出現 :(。之後那男子更在吮他的拇指,看似剛吃完毒品的樣子,超害怕超不妙,也擔心我一站起來他會有什麼行動。
當顯示屏顯示AIR CANADA -ARRIVED,我的心臟就跳到快要跌出來,對,快看到了,救星來了!一轉眼就看到一群人的背影,入面穿著Sports jacket最年輕的就是LUK了!(我起來後回頭一看,那個黑人男子打橫的睡在整張椅子上,超可怕的)
LUK!LUK!LUK聽到我的呼叫就看到我了,給我一個Big Hug(Long time no see!!)
Day 1:Malls>Sky Bus> Believe it or not Museum>Walk of Flame>Chinese Theatre>@Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills 
Day 2:Universal Studio>@Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills 
Day 3:6 hrs driving to Las Vegas>@Belligiao
Day 4:Buffet@Belligiao>Cassers>The Beatles Love>@Belligiao
Day 5:M&M Store>Coca-Cola Store>Zumity>@Belligiao
Day 6:參觀所有賭場>Zoo>@Belligiao
Day 7:Left

我們住的是Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills (A Four Seasons Hotel),附近就是購物大道,由於是聖誕節,很多商場都有折扣,Boxing Day後打折更兇呢!(到時候就會有很多很多人堆一起在搶打折的東西--")  
不過Beverly Hills的大多是LV、GUCCI、CHANEL、TIFFANY等等說不出名字的名牌,我們也只是周圍逛逛,欣賞一下聖誕的裝飾罷了。
下面的就是洛杉磯的星光大道 Walk of Fame,有興趣可以去比一比星級人馬的掌印啊!
價錢:$14.99USD (SKYBUS的遊客可憑收據有優惠啊!)
第三站:The Chinese Opera Centre ♡♥
(其實感覺不太中式 XD)

下一篇【洛杉機♡景點】環球影城Los Angeles Universal Studio三日兩夜自由行分享|美國遊

喜歡我的分享的話,請到九十後•蜂旅日記The Bee Diary FB給我一個LIKE吧!謝謝!!BEE

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很多人都會擔心因不能通過申請美國簽證面試,而影響不能去美國。其實整過面試過程都十分簡單,只有了解多一點就不用害怕啦!也不用擔心英文說得不好,雖然面試的人員都是外國人面孔,但是都是用一些簡單的英文,當你真的不明白,他們也懂得一點點中文   笑)))




(這個問題大般是滿足他自己的好奇心吧 哈)))(他在香港交流時認識的)



上一篇:如何申請美國簽證(上)網上預約 How To Apply USA Visa In HK(I)Online App           

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